Each CASA program is mandated by the California Rule of Court 5.655, to insure our volunteers complete 12 hours of continuing education each year. In addition to in person training opportunities, we offer independent study to meet this requirement. To receive one hour of continuing education credit, please email a paragraph or two about the topic you chose, what you learned, and felt was the most noteworthy, etc. Email Sheryn at shildebrand@mendocinocasa.org
Foster Youth and Therapy – July
Partial Credits Manual – Improving the Educational Outcomes of Foster Youth
Foster Care Education Fact sheets
Who is Caring for California’s Children in Foster Care
Acts of Omission – An Overview of Child Neglect
Latino Children of Immigrants in the Child Welfare System
The Difference Between IEPs and 504 Plans
AB 12 Primer updated January 2014
Birth parents with trauma history – A guide for CASA Advocates
Bringing Effective therapeutic Interventions to Children and Their Families
Difference Maker, The childless, the parentless, and the Central Sadness
Domestic Violence Impact on Children & Neuroscience
Helping Families to Support thier LGBT Children
How does domestic violence affect children
Kinship Caregivers & the Child Welfare System
Medi-Cal Coverage until Age 26 for Former Foster Youth
Process for Obtaining Credit Reports Foster Youth Aged 16 & 17
The Teen Brain Still Under Construction
When Parents Relapse During Substance Abuse Recovery
Building Resilience in Our Community
Inside the foster care system – A bleak last stop for lost youths